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We are taking bold action on climate across our value chain because we recognise the connection between healthy people 和 a healthy planet.

Through our $1 billion 零碳雄心 strategy 和 $400 million expansion to our AZ森林计划 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是:

  • Achieve net zero by avoiding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through our product 和 facility design, 优化能源效率, 转向可再生能源, 向纯电动汽车(BEV)车队过渡, 和 investing in nature-based removals to compensate for any residual GHG footprint
  • 通过管理物理站点来构建弹性, 供应链)和过渡(监管), 技术, market 和 reputational) risks 和 opportunities arising from climate change 和 in a low-carbon economy, 通过适应和业务连续性计划


零碳雄心, we are pursuing ambitious science-based decarbonisation targets, accelerating our progress towards net zero 和 managing the risks 和 opportunities presented by climate change:

  • We follow the science to underst和 the climate 和 health nexus 和 set our targets
  • We follow a hierarchy to address each emission source (eliminate-reduce-substitute)
  • We recognise the importance of our supply chain 和 suppliers, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐和谁交往, 教育, 支持和激励行动
  • We partner with our sector peers, including at a high-level through the SMI 卫生系统工作队 在解决主要排放源方面 激励激活 合作
  • 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的表现是透明的, 方法, transition plan 和 assessment of climate-related risks 和 opportunities presented by a low-carbon economy 和 net-zero healthcare
  • We have nature-based 和 technical measures in place to identify 和 address physical climate risks at site level 和 in local business continuity planning
  • We focus on delivering absolute reductions in all our direct 和 indirect GHG emissions sources across the value chain – Scopes 1, 2和3

We support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, 哪个应用基于风险的方法, focusing on the most material physical 和 transitional risks 和 opportunities. We will build resilience across the value chain 通过适应和业务连续性计划. 欲了解更多详情,请参阅澳门第一赌城在线娱乐TCFD报告.


通过“零碳雄心”,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在走上正轨 to reduce GHG emissions from our global operations (Scope 1 和 2) by 98% by 2026 from a 2015 baseline. We were one of the first seven companies to have our net-zero Scope 1-3 targets verified under the Science-Based Targets Initiative's Net-Zero Corporate St和ard.

We were the first pharmaceutical company to sign up to all three of the following Climate Group initiatives: 到2025年底 we will reduce absolute energy use 和 双倍能量生产率 compared with 2015 (EP100); we will use 100%可再生能源 for electricity (RE100) 和 heat; 和 we will 最大限度地过渡到电池电动汽车 公路车辆(EV100). 

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标 到2030年,将澳门第一赌城在线娱乐整个价值链的足迹减半, 在去a的路上 到2045年减少90% 从2019年的基线开始. By 2030 we will become carbon negative for all residual emissions. 

We are engaging across our entire value chain to measure 和 reduce our Scope 3 emissions. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是 到2025年底, 95% of our spend in Scope 3 Categories 1 (purchased goods 和 services) 和 2 (capital goods), 和 50% of our spend in Scope 3 categories 4 (upstream transportation) 和 6 (business travel) will be with companies that have science-based targets (SBTs).

Highlights of our science-based targets to achieve net zero in this video:

We will launch a next-generation respiratory inhaler containing a 到2025年,全球变暖潜能值接近零.

To drive our climate action initiatives 和 meet our environmental targets, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有一个专门的自然资源效率基金(NREF), which has invested approximately $175 million in environmental efficiency projects since 2015. This, together with other central capital investments, has seen a further $36.2023年投资600万美元,包括72个新项目.

See the 野心零碳信息图 for more details of our commitments 


Supporting a healthy environment is critical to the health of people, society, 和 the planet. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标 improve health outcomes 和 help tackle the increasing prevalence of diseases linked to the impacts of climate change.